Time Commitment: 4.5 hours over 4 weeks
Credits Available: 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™, 4.5 ACPE contact hours

Assessment and treatment of pain are challenges for healthcare providers and health systems. Treatment with opioid medications can decrease pain functionality but also may result in opioid tolerance, dependence, misuse, and overdose. It is important that opioids be prescribed judiciously to prevent and/or mitigate these potential harms. This course presents a novel educational initiative designed to improve healthcare quality, address racial and ethnic disparities and inequities in the care of patients experiencing pain and at risk for addiction.

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Brian Policastro

Bayshore Medical Center
Physician Assistant

Brian Policastro received his masters degree in physician assistant studies from Rutgers University (UMDNJ) in 2004. Since then he has worked in the fields of orthopedic surgery, trauma surgery, ICU, and the emergency department. He is currently employed by Hackensack Meridian Health as the Lead Physician Assistant for Surgery at Bayshore Medical Center.